I had an idea where prostitutes were an official position in a corporation. This was an exploration of the bull terms they would come up with to sanitize the job description.

prostitution is institutionalized within a Fortune 500 company as an ‘Official Client Engagement Specialist’ role. The HR department scrambles to craft euphemistic job descriptions and training manuals, sanitizing the sordid reality with terms like ‘strategic partnership facilitation,’ ‘intimate customer relations,’ and ‘sensual market research.’
2 thoughts on “Holly Corpo”
the rook
it’s entirely possible that big multinationals actually have people like this to entertain clients, government representatives, etc. But they’re more likely to be contractors rather than employees.
I mean when you hear some of these “business people” talk, they talk about take control of each variable in a situation. I can imagine them not stopping at having escorts on the payroll.