7 thoughts on “COMICS

  1. What happened to all the old comics from your sign. Are they visible anywhere still?

    1. I had to Nuke my website because it was very old I’m going to try and slowly put all the old comics on here but it will take time.

      1. All good! Sorry it’s going to be a pain. The new one looks incredible, and works way better. Looking forward to it!

  2. I think you’re tired of hearing it, but can we expect the return of “The Manor” any time soon?

    1. lol, you are right about that. I am hoping to get back to it at some point.

  3. Where can I find Elsa Bang?

    1. hey doom, I am going to work on uploading the comic here. but for now, if you google Elsabang, a couple of gallery show up that have rip the comic.
      you can check it out there in the mean time. sorry for the inconvenience

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